The Children's Charity at Adios

Children’s Charities at Adios was founded in 1990 by a group of Detroit-area
businessmen who wanted to create a greater purpose for their annual golf outing, beyond the sportsmanship and fellowship which defined those outings.

As suggested by its name, children were at the heart of the matter.

Founding members Leo Kalyvas, Anthony Giorgio, Bill Minoletti, Dr. Al Santino, Dick Scott, Joe Vicari and the late Ed Connelly, Jim Giftos and Jack McCullagh were the men who would turn that vision into reality.

Named for an annual golf outing at the private Adios Golf Club in Florida, the greater purpose would be to would provide financial support to select local charities, enabling youngsters to participate in activities they would have never otherwise experienced.

This became the mission of Children’s Charities at Adios

Having already raised over two million dollars, Children’s Charities at Adios looks forward to another rewarding year making kid’s lives better.

After all, they are the heart of the matter.

“The more we  

share, the more
we have.”

The Adios philosophy
as defined by
Leonard Nemoy

Adios Supports These Charities


Children’s Charities at Adios is proud to support a broad range of charities that enrich the lives of kids throughout the area.

See List
Adios Kids

Fund Raising

SAVE THE DATE: April 26–28, 2025
Jack McCullagh Spring Golf Tournament
Read More Register

Fund raising is the fuel that keeps the Children’s Charities at Adios moving forward, reaching more kids, sharing more once-in-a-lifetime moments, brightening more lives.

The 2025 Adios Children’s Charities
Fall Classic:
Dates to be Announced: Lochmoor Club

Learn More
    248 585-7976
    480 Parkland Blvd.
    Clawson, MI 48017
    Barb Mullan, Secretary
    Children's Charities at Adios