Sponsors and Donors

Event sponsorships and individual donations provide the power that makes it possible for the Children’s Charities at Adios to assist 17 separate charities helping kids in the metropolitan Detroit area.

As an all-volunteer 501(c)(3)organization, virtually every penny collected goes directly to the charities helping kids, not to an expensive staff working in plush offices. And because the charity is recognized by the IRS, virtually every penny above the value received is tax deductible.

If you are interested in opportunities to support the Children’s Charities work in 2025 contact:

Children’s Charities at Adios
Barb Mullan

248 585-7976
480 Parkland Blvd.
Clawson, MI 48017


Board of Directors

Michael Giorgio, President
Daniel Kilberg, Vice President
Frank Giorgio, Treasurer
Peter Tallerico, Secretary
John Bertakis
Patrick Connelly
Anthony Galbo
Anthony Giorgio
Michael Giorgio
Nick Giorgio
Marc Hames
Daniel Kilberg
Jeffrey R. Laethem
Nick Monforton
P. Martin Monforton
Leo Salvaggio
Michael Santi
Alphonse Santino
Jack Tallerico
Joseph Vicari
Anthonly Vitello

Kenneth Adler *
James Giftos*
Jack McCullagh*
Nino Salvaggio*
James Scott*
Richard Scott*
